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Support Student Success

Giving to the Division of Student Affairs helps to enhance our current facilities and program offerings, develop our future world leaders, create new avenues for excellence, and support our students in need.

It is through Student Affairs that students transform from engaged and passionate undergraduate students into industry leaders, global visionaries, boundary breakers, world champions, compassionate humanitarians, and exceptional University of Miami alumni. 

As students achieve excellence in their academic pursuits, they also make leaps and bounds outside of the classroom. Student Affairs plays a lead role in student success by employing nearly 1,000 students on campus, providing physical and mental health support, fostering peer mentorship, and celebrating our diversity. 

You have the opportunity to send a small group of students on an alternative break trip to develop a new and innovative program that supports the local and global communities. Give to the Butler Center for Service and Leadership>

You are able to support providing an open space for students who are soaring academically but struggling socially. Give to the Counseling Center>

You are able to provide for opportunities for students, you could only have dreamed of. Give to the Greatest Need in Student Affairs>

Student Affairs Designations

Campaign for New Student Housing

Patricia A. Whitely Emergency Fund

Shalala Student Center

Patricia A. Whitely Women’s Leadership Symposium

Student Life/University Center Programming

The Leadership Training Program
Counseling Center

Butler Center for Leadership and Service

Herbert Wellness Center

Greatest Need in Student Affairs

Student Activities

Or identify your own giving designation