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Get Out the Vote

Democracy for U, By U

Get Out the Vote (GOTV) is a campaign headed by students with the aid of the University of Miami’s administration with the purpose to reach out to the student population and encourage them to get involved in the political process.

The CanesVote Network is made up of students, faculty, staff, administrators, and community members who are passionate about civic participation in the University of Miami community.

Volunteer to become a Voter Registration Ambassador for Cane Kickoff 2019 and Beyond

Are you passionate about getting out the vote? Join the University of Miami Get Out The Vote (GOTV) Initiative and become an official Voter Registration Ambassador through the Butler Center for Service and Leadership and the Division of Student Affairs.

You will be required to go through a mandatory training and then will be able to help volunteer during Cane Kickoff (August 12-14th). This opportunity is open to faculty, staff, and students and we hope you will join the CanesVote Network to help individuals officially register to vote on campus.

If you are interested in serving as Voter Registration Ambassador, please sign-up for the mandatory online webinar training session OR the in-person training:

Voter registration ambassador training dates:

The online Voter Registration Ambassador trainings will be offered during the following dates and times prior to Cane Kickoff 2019!

Thursday, August 1st 12 - 1 PM
Wednesday, August 7th 12 - 1 PM
Friday, August 9th 12 - 1 PM

Following Cane Kickoff, in-person Voter Registration Ambassador trainings will take place during the following times and dates:

Location: Shalala Student Center Senate Room

Wednesday, August 28th 1:45 PM
Thursday, August 29th 2 PM
Friday, August 30th 1 PM
Wednesday, September 4th 1:45 PM
Thursday, September 5th 4 PM
